Monday, August 8, 2011

W.O.W Receptacle 1

In my school there's a good habit that we do after morning devotion(because of my school is christian school, we must spend a time for morning devotion). Words of wisdom(W.O.W) will always be spoken out from the radio. And as the one who is in charge to the spoken words of wisdom, I record it in a little note book...

Sorry, the brightness is low. I took this picture by web cam..:p

So these are the quotes inside this note. Most of them were written in Bahasa and some of them were in English..

"Jangan biarkan  orang datang menemuimu jika ketika dia pergi tidak menjdai lebih baik dan lebih bahagia."~Mother Teresa

"Dalam hal prinsip berdirilah sekokoh batu karang; dalam hal rasa ikutilah arus."~Thomas Jefferson

"Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."~Mother Teresa

"They can't  take away our self respect if we don't give to them."~Mahatma Gandhi

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are endless."~Mother Teresa

"Tuhan memberikan cacing untuk setiap burung, tetapi Tuhan tidak melemparkannya kedalam sarang"~Pepatah Swedia

"Manusia bisa bahagia bisa tidak adalah tergantung pilihannya sendiri."~Abraham Lincoln

"Ingatlah, kalau kamu mengatakan 'tidak', artinya kamu mengatakan 'ya' terhadap hal-hal yang lebih penting."~Sean Covey

"Waktunya selalu tepat untuk melakukan hal yang benar."~Martin Luther King jr

"There HE in SHE, MR in MRS, MALE in FEMALE. That's why MAN can't live without WOMAN."~from twitter

"Time is too slow for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity."~Henry Van Dyke

"There will be no peace outside, if there's no peace inside."~Mario Teguh

"Maka bersyukurlah karena hidup adalah perjuangan, dan ketahuilah hanya ikan mati yang mengikuti arus."~Richard Templar

"Yang tragis adalah orang yang seumur hidupnya tidak pernah mengerahkan seluruh kemampuan maksimalnya."~Arnold Bennett

"Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or evil."~William George Jordan

"Senyum adalah awal dari kasih."~Mother Teresa

"Seribu orang tua hanya bisa bermimpi, satu anak muda bisa mengubah dunia."~Ir. Soekarno

"Begitu banyak yang Tuhan telah berikan kepada saya. Saya tidak punya waktu untuk menyesali apa yang tidak saya miliki."~Helen Keller

"Ada dua cara untuk menyebarkan cahaya; menjadi lilin, atau menjadi cermin yang memantulkannya."~Edith Wharton

"I am what I am today because of the choice I made yesterday."~Stephen Covey

"Kerendahan hati adalah suatu hal yang aneh. Disaat kau berpikir kau memilikinya, disaat itulah kau tak lagi memilikinya."~Swami Chinmayananda

"Treat your girlfriend just like you treat your mother. Treat your mother just like you treat God."~Jow's Principle

"Kegagalan merupaka langkah awal menuju sukses, Tapi sukses itu sendiri baru merupakan jalan tak berketentuan menuju puncak sukses."~Lambert Jeffries

"Tetapi betapa pun panjangnya sebuah perjalanan, ia harus dimulai dengan langkah-langkah pertama, dan itu mulai kami lakukan..."~Ir. Soekarno

"Kau bisa merantaiku, kau bisa menyiksaku, kau bahkan bisa menghancurkan tubuhku, tapi kau takkan pernah bsia memenjarakan pikiranku."~Mahatma Gandhi

"Sukses adalah ketika kita sebelum tidur nanti kita bisa berkata,'thanks God, saya bisa melewati hari ini dengan baik. Thanks God, hari ini saya bisa berbuat sesuatu untuk sesama.'."~Thomas Kristo

"Kebebasan tidak dapat dibagi-bagi, sehingga jika satu orang masih tertindas, semua orang lainnya tidaklah bebas."~John F. Kenedy

"Kesehatan adalah mahkota yang bertengger diatas kepala orang yang sejahtera, tetapi yang paling menghargainya adalah orang sakit."~Pepatah Mesir

"Masa ini sunggu buruk. Baguslah kalau begitu, karena kita berada disitu untuk membuatnya mnjadi lebih baik."~Thomas Carlyle

"Better to fight for something than to live for nothing."~George S. Patton

"Honestly is the first chapter in the book of wisdom."~Thomas Jefferson

"Pikiran bekerja seperti parasut. ia akan berhasil jika ia terbuka."~Anonim

"Bersatu adalah langkah awal; tetap bersama-sama adalah kemajuan; bekerja sama adalah keberhasilan."~Henry ford

"Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruits."~Kahlil Gibran

That's all for this 3rd post, folks.. =]

Monday, August 1, 2011


Deeply sorry, my blog. It's already 3 weeks I didn't post anything in here. In fact I have been preparing this second post since 2 weeks ago but several troubles happened repeatedly. Hope that tonight it will be finished well :).

In this episode I'll talk about my last holiday. I know it sounds stale, but I wish you still can enjoy the reading. So this is it, the flashback...

Confederacy Camp of Teenager and Youth
This camp was held in 1,2,3 of this July in Pring Ayu, Ciawi. In fact, the camp was great. The sessions were beneficial and the outbound was extremely challenging. But I couldn't really enjoy it because I was selected to be the committee who responsible for all equipments we used. That's made me absolutely busy and weary.

The promotion poster. That theme came from  my idea ^^*proud

The participants
The outbound

Taking nap. Inside the tent was terribly hot at day.

 Salatiga is my mom's hometown and Kudus is dad's. Just the day after I back home from the camp, mom, dad, and I went to Salatiga. Unfortunately, my sister didn't join us. She was on the MediSAR(Medical Search and Rescue). Well, we spent 4 days there and stayed in Salatiga. We couldn't stay in Kudus. Both of my dad's parents had passed away *sad, and the house was left.

For 4 days, we traveled some place by not forgetting the culinary world, definitely. hehehe B-)

Sego Jagung. This javanese food is very traditional and rare. Sego means rice and Jagung means corn.
The structure of the rice isn't similar with the rice that made from paddy. Taste's uniquely nice :9

Wonder Bakery. The best bakery in Salatiga. Highly recommended.

There are dozens type of Soto in Salatiga. And 'Soto Bening Bu Anik' is one of the restaurant that serves a good Soto. Recommended.

        A restaurant called 'Waroeng ngGoenoeng' is very famous with it's favorite menu Iga Gongso. Iga is rib and Gongso is a culinary procedure similar to sauteing but at higher temperature (read: tumis). It's so popular that had been mentioned in Kompas news paper. Highly recommended.

This is the picture of Iga Gongso.Sweet is the taste that is dominant in it, just like the other javanese food. But it doesn't overwhelm the other tastes. The beef texture is gentle. Unfortunately the tasty gravy contains much fat.

This is a drink is called 'Boyo Ngambang', also one of the menu in Waroeng ngGoenoeng. Boyo means crocodile and Ngambang means floating. Actually, it is a javanese coffee blend with a sweet cake made of slightly fermented rice or tubers (read: tape). Tastes weird. I don't really like it.

I can said that 'Jago' cafe is one of the best Wedang Ronde sellers in mid Java. There are a plenty of Wedang Ronde sellers, but this place has a secret recipe that makes people wanna come over and over again. Actually, the one who invented the secret recipe had died several years ago, and her daughter now takes over this business. I always go here when I'm in Salatiga. Highly recommended.

The wedang Ronde that It served.

The kitchen.

Look! Bondan was there!


It's Lentog. A very rare traditional food of Kudus. Even when you're in Kudus, you can't easily meet this food. It is consisted of Lontong(a steamed rice in a banana leaf), Gori(a baby jackfruit), and Tofu. Sweet? Ofcourse, it's Javanese. Anyway, you have two choices of tools for eating this. The modern tool is by spoon and the old tool is by Suru. It is really easy to make Suru but bloody difficult to use it. This is the technique how to make Suru..

First step..

Second step..

Final step! Ta-da! Just that easy..^^

Yum :9! Gado-gado 'Cik Hwa Hwa' used to be very famous in Kudus. But now many people don't know its presence. There was a tragic story behind this anomaly.

Many years ago, when this Gado-gado was on the peak of popularity, a man who had given a big influence for Kudus sent a courier to order a great number of Gado-gado in case of a kind of celebration that he 's gonna make in a few days. On D-Day, he came to the seller but the Gado-gados he ordered was unprepared. The seller said that his order had not delivered yet. So, looked like there was a miscommunication or maybe a misdeed. The man was seriously angry and said to the seller,"While I'm still staying in Kudus, and I see this business is still running. I'll send my men to bring it to the downfall.". Because of the seller and the her employees were all women and had no power, they couldn't resist. They didn't closed the business actually, but they have been running this business in silence until now.

We still can order this yummy thing if only we know where the hidden place is. But we can't enjoy the meal in the place, we only can order and bring it home. Just like drive-thru system..

FYI, it's called 'Cik Hwa Hwa' Gado-gado because the seller is a chinese woman named Hwa Hwa

It's located in Pergulan alley.

Walk for a distance and you'll meet a very narrow street.

It's not a dead end. Just go straight inside and you'll arrive.
 My holiday project was utterly done. Still I'm very proud with this blog. Pray that this blog will be continually updated by me...=]

Well, looks like post 2 is completely finished. Yaawnn.. I gotta have some sleep now hehehe...